Sensors and Modules
MPU 6050 – Triple Axis Gyro Accelerometer Module
₹150.00Add to cartMPU6050 module uses the popular MPU6050 Sensor which includes both a 3 axis accelerometer and a 3 axis gyroscope in a single package.The sensor can be interfaced through a I2C connection which allows an easy and direct interface between the sensor and a micro controller.
IR Sensor Module
₹40.00Add to cartThis IR sensor module features adaptive ambient light capability, a pair of infrared transmitter and receiver tubes, a potentiometer for adjustable detection range (2-10cm), and a wide voltage range (3.3V-5V). When an object enters the detection zone, the infrared light is reflected back to the receiver, triggering the green LED and outputting a digital signal. This makes it ideal for various applications like robot obstacle avoidance, obstacle avoidance car, assembly line count, and black-and-white line tracking.
LM 35 Sensor module
₹75.00Add to cartThe output of the precision integrated circuit (IC) temperature sensor LM35 is proportional to the temperature (in ?C). Since the sensor circuitry is sealed, oxidation and other processes cannot affect it. A thermistor is not as accurate at measuring temperature as an LM35! Additionally, it has a poor self-heating capacity and raises the temperature in still air by no more than 0.1 ?C. -55?C to 150?C is the operational temperature range.
HC – 05 Bluetooth Module with TTL Output
₹285.00Add to cartThe HC-05 Bluetooth Module is a low-cost, feature-rich option for wireless serial communication. It can be easily switched between master and slave modes using AT commands. In slave mode, the module can accept connections from other devices, while in master mode, it can initiate connections.
LDR module – Light Sensor Module
₹45.00Add to cartThe LDR Sensor Module is used to detect the presence of light / measuring the intensity of light. The output of the module goes high in the presence of light and it becomes low in the absence of light. The sensitivity of the signal detection can be adjusted using potentiometer.
ADXL 345 Triple Axis Linear Accelerometer
₹195.00Add to cartADXL345 is a Breakout board for the Analog Device’s ADXL345 triple axis accelerometer. The module is populated with MOSFET based Voltage level conversion circuitry to enable you to interface different type of microcontrollers (3V3 & 5V). Apart from the above all, necessary components like decoupling capacitors ,filter capacitors ,pull up resistors and LED are also populated on board .The ADXL345 features 4 sensitivity ranges from +/- 2G to +/- 16G. And it supports output data rates ranging from 10Hz to 3200Hz such as the Arduino.