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HSIN CODE :- | 85381010 |
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HSIN CODE :- | 85381010 |
MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximeter and heart-rate monitor sensor solution.?It?s an optical sensor that derives its readings from emitting two wavelengths of light from two LEDs ? a red and an infrared one ? then measuring the absorbance of pulsing blood through a photodetector. This particular LED colour combination is optimized for reading the data through the tip of one?s finger.?It is fully configurable through software registers and the digital output data is stored in a 16-deep FIFO within the device.It has an I2C digital interface to communicate with a host microcontroller.
A 13.56 MHz RFID card, also known as a contactless RFID card or a proximity card, is a card that uses radio frequency identification technology to store and transmit data. It consists of an integrated circuit (IC) chip and an antenna embedded within a thin plastic card. The antenna allows the card to communicate with an RFID reader without the need for physical contact.
The 4mm LDR Sensor Photoresistor Photo Cell 5-10K GL4516 is an electronic component that detects and measures light levels. It operates using the active voice, meaning it actively senses light rather than being passively affected by it. The sensor is equipped with a 4mm diameter photoresistor, which is a type of resistor that changes its resistance based on the amount of light that falls on it. This resistance range is between 5-10K ohms.
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