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HSIN CODE :- | 85381010 |
HSIN CODE :- | 85381010 |
The 4mm LDR Sensor Photoresistor Photo Cell 5-10K GL4516 is an electronic component that detects and measures light levels. It operates using the active voice, meaning it actively senses light rather than being passively affected by it. The sensor is equipped with a 4mm diameter photoresistor, which is a type of resistor that changes its resistance based on the amount of light that falls on it. This resistance range is between 5-10K ohms.
DS3231 Module is a Bread Board friendly extremely precise I2C real time clock Module.?This module made using DS3231 RTC and AT24C32 EEPROM integrated with temperature compensated crystal oscillator. It also has a built in comparator which monitors the status of VCC to detect power failures and to automatically switch to backup power supply. AT24C32 provides 32,768 bits of serial EEPROM organized as 4096 words of 8 bits each. This gives you 32Kb of non-volatile memory for your projects. This module can be easily interfaced with Arduino Boards, Raspberry Pi and all Microcontrollers.
If you are a newbie in the Electronics World then this kit is a good start for your project. In this kit, you will get? 37 Varieties of Sensors. You can purchase this kit From? a Reasonable Price.
This?37 in 1 Sensor Kit?compatible with Arduino is supplied with a variety of sensors that are compatible with?Arduino Boards. This is the?most complete performance starter kit with all the essential Arduino?sensors.
This kit contains excellent products that are compatible with Arduino. You can find the best sensors, whether you?re a beginner or an expert in this field, and use them to create the best DIY projects on your own. Prototyping will be easy and fun-loving with this Kit.
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