Your Privacy, Our Policy

Who We Are:

Welcome to, your trusted destination for cutting-edge electronics components. Our commitment to your privacy is paramount, reflecting our dedication to trust and transparency. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your personal information as you engage with our site.

Personal Information:

When using our website, we securely collect and store the personal information you provide, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience. Our goal is to deliver secure, efficient services tailored to your needs, enhancing your interaction with our website. We collect only the information necessary for these purposes.

While you can browse our website anonymously, providing personal information makes you identifiable to us. We clearly indicate required and optional fields. You always have the choice not to provide information by opting out of specific services or features. Additionally, we may automatically track certain information based on your website activity, using it for internal research to enhance user experience and security. assures you that we will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. Occasionally, we may share general statistical information about our website and visitor demographics without disclosing personally identifiable details. Your trust is our top priority, and we will solely use your financial information to complete transactions with you.


Expect occasional email communications regarding promotions, marketing offers, product availability, and service feedback. All users have the option to opt-out of these communications after setting up an account. To unsubscribe from newsletters or for any queries, please visit the provided unsubscribe link or contact us through the designated link on our website.


Enhancing your user experience, we use both permanent and temporary cookies on your computer’s hard drive. These cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. reserves the right to modify any policies mentioned above without prior notice.

Your Account and Registration Responsibilities:

When utilizing our website, it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your Display Name and Password. You are accountable for all activities conducted under your Display Name and Password. Should you provide inaccurate, incomplete, or false information, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect the same, we retain the right to indefinitely suspend, terminate, or block your membership access on the website. This action may result in the denial of access to the website.


By using the website, or sending emails, data, information, or communication to us, you acknowledge and consent to communicating through electronic records. We may periodically and as required, communicate with you via electronic records, including email or other electronic communication modes.

User Eligibility:

If you are under the age of 18 years (a minor), you are not eligible to register as a member of the website or engage in transactions. If a minor wishes to use or transact on the website, it must be done by their legal guardian or parents, who act as users of the website. We reserve the right to terminate the membership and deny access to the website if it comes to our notice that you are under the age of 18 years.

Changes to the Fee Policy:

Any changes to our Fee Policy will be promptly posted on the Website, becoming effective immediately upon posting. Unless specified otherwise, all fees will be quoted in Indian Rupees. Users are solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws, including those in India, for making payments to us.


You agree not to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reverse engineer, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from the Website. Limited reproduction and copying of the content are permitted with prior written permission, provided SparkInnovation’s name is stated as the source. Unlimited or wholesale reproduction, copying for commercial or non-commercial purposes, and unwarranted modification of data and information within the content is not permitted without our explicit consent.

Conduct and Usage Restrictions:

When using the Website, you agree to post and upload only proper messages and materials. You agree not to:

  • Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or violate the legal rights of others.
  • Publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful content.
  • Upload files that violate intellectual property laws.
  • Upload files containing viruses or other harmful software.
  • Conduct surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, or chain letters.
  • Download files that cannot be legally distributed.
  • Falsify or delete attributions, notices, or labels.
  • Violate any code of conduct or guidelines applicable to any particular Service.
  • Violate applicable laws or regulations.
  • Violate the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Users guarantee that they own or are authorized to use the content submitted, ensuring it does not infringe upon the rights of others. Users warrant that no action, suit, proceeding, or investigation has been instituted or threatened related to any content used in connection with the Website.

Exactness Not Guaranteed:

We disclaim guarantees of exactness regarding the finish and appearance of the final product. Quality may not meet expectations, and alterations may be required due to product availability and differences in size charts. Product images may not exactly match the final product.

Intellectual Property Rights:

  • a) Unless expressly mentioned, We owns all Intellectual Property Rights to the Website. Users shall not use, reproduce, or distribute any content from the Website without obtaining authorization.
  • b) Users retain ownership and responsibility for content provided, granting a non-exclusive license for public viewing and reproduction/use by third-party users for product customization services.

Third-Party Sites Links:

The Website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content of any linked site. Links are provided for convenience, and their inclusion does not imply endorsement. Users are urged to verify information accuracy before reliance.

Limitation of Use:

Products listed are not authorized for specific applications. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless from losses arising from any breach or non-performance.

Disclaimer Of Warranties/Limitation Of Liability:

  • We do not guarantee the constant availability of the website or the accuracy of information.
  • is not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the website.
  • Products are warranted based on manufacturer guarantees.
  • We do not guarantee exactness of products or the absence of computer viruses.


Prices are in Indian rupees. Products and services may change at our discretion. Taxes are displayed on the cart page and invoice. Users are responsible for State Taxes or Octroi.

Shipping & Returns:

Refer to our Shipping & Returns policy for detailed information.

Report Abuse:

Users are responsible for their content. We do not endorse or verify user content. Users can be legally liable for their content. Report abuse to